Sicily: A Heart's Journey: "The title of the book says it all.
A more appropriate title is difficult to imagine.
Author Mary Tolaro Noyes takes the reader on a heart-felt journey, an adventure,
one might say, into her heritage and the island that is Sicily.
The book is a series of stories, first-hand accounts of Mary’s journey to find and explore her roots.
. . .
Mary closes the book with an Epilogue that ends with a clear understanding.
'I have realized the world that comforts my soul, quickens my passion, and inspires my life.'
Interestingly, I, as a reader, felt the same way about my own heritage.
Thanks to Mary, I finally had the words to express my own life-long connection to my roots.
Mary’s fondness for family is contagious. And so it should be!"
Catherine Accardi, review in Sicilia Para, Fall 2018.
You can also read the full review. Read other comments here. Color versions of the photos in this book are available here.
To purchase, send an email to the publisher. They will send you the book and trust you to return the payment, which will include shipping (modest). You can also order from Amazon.
There is also an Italian version of the book titled: Sicilia: Un viaggio verso le radici (see below). In the Unitied States you can purchase this book from Liberia Pino. In Italy, the best way to get the book is from a distributor, Libro Co. Italia. They give a discount on the price which covers the mailing. You can also order at most book stores such as Feltrinelli.
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Page Author: Mary Tolaro Noyes
Last update: 18-Jan-2019